AI 건축 디자인하기: 미드저니 프롬프트 예제 및 사례

AI 미드저니로 건축 디자인을 할 때 유용한 프롬프트 예제와 디자인 사례입니다. 

A [건물유형] of [시점] in a [스타일], with [특정기능]. Rendered by [렌더링 툴] by [건축가]

프롬프트 예: A Funeral home of a Close-Up View in a Eclectic style, with Container architecture. Rendered in Rhino 3D by Coop Himmelblau

미드저니 건축 디자인 사례 

A Playground of a Backlit View in a French Provincial style, with Child-friendly design. Rendered in SketchUp by Adrian Smith,  –q 1 –ar 1:1

브런치 글 이미지 1

A Manor of a Focused View in a Nordic Classicism style, with Multi-functional spaces. Rendered in KeyShot by Will Alsop,  –q 1 –ar 1:1

브런치 글 이미지 2

A Post office of a Panoramic View in a Post-and-beam style, with Balcony gardens. Rendered in AutoCAD by Ernö Goldfinger,  –q 1 –ar 1:1

브런치 글 이미지 3

A Manor of a Zoomed-Out View in a Egyptian Revival style, with Hidden storage solutions. Rendered in Modo by Minoru Yamasaki,  –q 1 –ar 1:1

브런치 글 이미지 4

A Cottage of a Architectural View in a Edwardian style, with Fire-resistant landscaping. Rendered in 3ds Max by Tadao Ando,  –q 1 –ar 1:1

브런치 글 이미지 5

A Theater of a Split-Section View in a Nordic Classicism style, with Native landscaping. Rendered in SketchUp by Richard Neutra,  –q 1 –ar 1:1

브런치 글 이미지 6

A Factory of a Direct View in a Dutch Colonial style, with Medicinal garden. Rendered in Revit by Edward Durell Stone,  –q 1 –ar 1:1

브런치 글 이미지 7

A Shopping mall of a Cross Section View in a Mayan style, with Child-friendly design. Rendered in Twinmotion by Robert Adam,  –q 1 –ar 1:1

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A Airport of a Cross Section View in a Italian Renaissance style, with Medicinal garden. Rendered in Corona Renderer by Bernard Tschumi,  –q 1 –ar 1:1

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A Fast food restaurant of a 360 Degree View in a Critical Regionalism style, with Urban agriculture integration. Rendered in Iray by Moshe Safdie,  –q 1 –ar 1:1

브런치 글 이미지 10

참고: 위의 프롬프트들은 건축 디자인을 위한 미드저니 프롬프트 메이커로 자동생성했습니다.