챗gpt 영어회화 프롬프트 추천

챗GPT 영어회화 프롬프트 추천 100

Conversation Starters

  1. “Let’s have a casual conversation about [topic]. Ask me questions and respond naturally.”
  2. “Pretend you’re a [profession] from [country]. Let’s discuss your typical workday.”
  3. “Imagine we’re meeting for the first time at a social event. Start the conversation.”
  4. “Let’s role-play a job interview. You be the interviewer, and I’ll be the candidate.”
  5. “Act as a tour guide for [city/country]. I’ll ask questions about the local attractions.”

Vocabulary Building

  1. “Teach me 5 new words related to [topic]. Use each in a sentence and ask me to do the same.”
  2. “Explain the difference between [word1] and [word2]. Provide examples of their usage.”
  3. “Give me 10 synonyms for [word]. Ask me to use each in a sentence.”
  4. “Introduce me to 5 idiomatic expressions about [topic]. Explain their meanings and origins.”
  5. “Let’s play a word association game. Start with [word] and we’ll take turns.”

Grammar Practice

  1. “Explain the usage of [grammar rule]. Provide examples and ask me to create my own.”
  2. “Correct any grammatical errors in my responses and explain the corrections.”
  3. “Let’s practice using [tense]. Ask me questions that require answers in this tense.”
  4. “Give me a paragraph with intentional grammar mistakes. Ask me to identify and correct them.”
  5. “Explain the difference between [grammar concept1] and [grammar concept2]. Provide examples.”


  1. “List 10 commonly mispronounced words in English. Explain how to pronounce them correctly.”
  2. “Give me tongue twisters to practice. Provide tips on how to say them clearly.”
  3. “Explain the difference in pronunciation between [word1] and [word2]. Provide more similar examples.”
  4. “Teach me about word stress in English. Give examples and ask me to identify the stressed syllables.”
  5. “Introduce me to the concept of intonation in English. Provide examples of how it changes meaning.”

Listening Comprehension

  1. “Tell me a short story and then ask comprehension questions about it.”
  2. “Describe a scene in detail. Then ask me to summarize what you described.”
  3. “Give me a set of instructions for a task. Ask me to repeat them back to you.”
  4. “Narrate a news article and ask me to answer questions about the key points.”
  5. “Explain a complex concept. Then ask me to explain it back in my own words.”

Writing Skills

  1. “Give me a writing prompt. After I respond, provide feedback on my writing.”
  2. “Help me improve this sentence: [sentence]. Suggest alternative ways to express the same idea.”
  3. “Let’s practice writing formal emails. Give me a scenario and I’ll compose an email.”
  4. “Teach me how to structure a persuasive essay. Guide me through creating an outline.”
  5. “Show me examples of descriptive writing. Then ask me to describe [object/scene] in a similar style.”

Cultural Understanding

  1. “Explain a cultural tradition from [country]. Ask me to compare it to a tradition from my culture.”
  2. “Teach me about social etiquette in [country]. Quiz me on what I’ve learned.”
  3. “Introduce me to popular idioms from [country]. Explain their meanings and origins.”
  4. “Describe a typical day in the life of someone from [country]. Ask me questions about the differences with my country.”
  5. “Explain the concept of [cultural phenomenon]. Ask me if there’s something similar in my culture.”

Situational English

  1. “Let’s role-play ordering food in a restaurant. You be the waiter, I’ll be the customer.”
  2. “Simulate a phone conversation to make a doctor’s appointment.”
  3. “Practice giving directions. Describe a route and ask me to repeat it back to you.”
  4. “Role-play a situation where I need to make a complaint about a product.”
  5. “Let’s practice small talk scenarios for different social situations.”

Academic English

  1. “Explain how to structure an academic essay. Guide me through creating an outline.”
  2. “Teach me about citing sources in academic writing. Give examples and test my understanding.”
  3. “Let’s practice summarizing academic texts. Provide a short passage and ask me to summarize it.”
  4. “Introduce me to common transition words and phrases used in academic writing.”
  5. “Explain the difference between formal and informal language. Provide examples of each.”

Business English

  1. “Let’s practice negotiation skills. Give me a business scenario to work with.”
  2. “Teach me how to write a professional email. Provide a template and ask me to fill it in.”
  3. “Introduce me to common business jargon. Explain the meanings and usage.”
  4. “Let’s role-play a business presentation. Give me a topic and guide me through the structure.”
  5. “Practice telephone etiquette for business calls. Simulate different scenarios.”

Debate and Discussion

  1. “Present a controversial topic. Let’s have a structured debate about it.”
  2. “Give me a complex problem. Let’s discuss potential solutions.”
  3. “Introduce an ethical dilemma. Let’s discuss the various perspectives.”
  4. “Present a current event. Let’s analyze its implications from different angles.”
  5. “Give me a quote. Let’s discuss its meaning and relevance to modern life.”


  1. “Let’s create a story together. Start with a prompt and we’ll take turns adding to it.”
  2. “Teach me about narrative structures. Guide me through creating a short story.”
  3. “Give me a set of random words. I’ll create a story using all of them.”
  4. “Let’s practice descriptive storytelling. Describe a character and I’ll continue the description.”
  5. “Introduce me to different genres of storytelling. Let’s practice writing in each style.”

Idioms and Expressions

  1. “Teach me 5 idioms related to [topic]. Explain their meanings and origins.”
  2. “Give me scenarios where I can use specific idioms. Ask me to create my own scenarios.”
  3. “Introduce me to common English proverbs. Explain their meanings and ask me to use them in sentences.”
  4. “Let’s practice using phrasal verbs. Give me examples and ask me to create my own sentences.”
  5. “Explain the difference between similar idioms. Provide contexts for their correct usage.”

Pronunciation and Accent Reduction

  1. “Guide me through pronouncing difficult English sounds. Provide words to practice with.”
  2. “Teach me about linking sounds in English speech. Give examples and ask me to practice.”
  3. “Introduce me to the concept of word stress in sentences. Provide examples and ask me to identify the stressed words.”
  4. “Let’s practice minimal pairs. Give me pairs of words and ask me to distinguish between them.”
  5. “Teach me about the different intonation patterns in English. Provide examples and ask me to practice.”

Reading Comprehension

  1. “Provide a short article. Ask me comprehension questions about it.”
  2. “Give me a poem. Let’s discuss its meaning and literary devices used.”
  3. “Present a set of instructions. Ask me to explain them back in my own words.”
  4. “Introduce me to different types of texts (e.g., narrative, descriptive, expository). Let’s practice identifying and creating each type.”
  5. “Let’s practice skimming and scanning techniques. Provide a text and ask specific questions.”

Public Speaking

  1. “Guide me through structuring a persuasive speech. Help me create an outline.”
  2. “Teach me techniques for engaging an audience. Let’s practice incorporating them into a short speech.”
  3. “Introduce me to different types of speeches (e.g., informative, persuasive, motivational). Let’s practice each type.”
  4. “Let’s work on vocal variety. Give me a passage to read with different emotions.”
  5. “Teach me about body language in public speaking. Let’s practice describing gestures and movements.”

Humor and Wordplay

  1. “Teach me about different types of humor in English. Let’s practice creating jokes.”
  2. “Introduce me to English puns. Explain how they work and let’s create some together.”
  3. “Let’s practice using sarcasm and irony in English. Provide examples and ask me to create my own.”
  4. “Teach me about British vs. American humor. Provide examples and discuss the differences.”
  5. “Let’s explore wordplay in English. Introduce me to concepts like spoonerisms and malapropisms.”

Media and Technology

  1. “Let’s discuss a recent tech news article. Introduce relevant vocabulary and ask for my opinions.”
  2. “Teach me common abbreviations used in texting and social media. Let’s practice using them in context.”
  3. “Introduce me to terminology used in [specific technology field]. Let’s have a conversation using these terms.”
  4. “Let’s analyze the language used in advertisements. Discuss persuasive techniques and ask me to create a mock ad.”
  5. “Teach me about netiquette. Let’s practice writing appropriate online communications for different platforms.”

Advanced Vocabulary

  1. “Introduce me to 10 advanced words related to [academic field]. Use each in a sentence and ask me to do the same.”
  2. “Let’s explore the etymology of English words. Provide interesting word origins and ask me to guess others.”
  3. “Teach me about connotations and denotations. Provide examples and ask me to explain the differences.”
  4. “Introduce me to rarely used but powerful words. Let’s practice incorporating them into sentences.”
  5. “Let’s explore English words borrowed from other languages. Discuss their origins and usage.”

Exam Preparation

  1. “Guide me through strategies for the speaking section of [specific English exam].”
  2. “Let’s practice timed writing exercises similar to those in [specific English exam].”
  3. “Introduce me to the types of questions in the listening section of [specific English exam]. Let’s practice with sample questions.”
  4. “Teach me techniques for the reading comprehension section of [specific English exam]. Provide practice passages and questions.”
  5. “Let’s do a mock interview for the speaking section of [specific English exam]. Provide feedback on my responses.”

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